Art Here and Now
Daring creativity happening now around the world
Categories: Controversy, Environmentalism, Featured, Government, Multidiscipline, Performance, Resources, Science, Technology, The WorldComments Off

This is a post for Blog Action Day 2009: Climate Change.
A few years ago, I wrote a post for Blog Action Day presenting ideas for creating art in more environmentally friendly ways – Making Art Without Unmaking the Environment. Art supplies and other byproducts of our work is notoriously toxic. Just like businesses [...]

Categories: Art Life, Multidiscipline, Museums, ResourcesComments Off

The iTunes Music Store has an iTunes U section where universities put lots of classes, information and events up for everyone to use, all for free. Some other organizations have also put up some great information, audio and video. One of them is the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). If you have [...]