Art Here and Now
Daring creativity happening now around the world
Freedom vs. Violence

I’ve just finished reading an illustrated autobiography that I’ll write more about later.

But it has me thinking. There are many people and places I’d like to know more about. Many times this kind of cultural learning and exchange happens through art. But where is the exchange when people aren’t allowed to express their true thoughts, feelings or nature through artwork and writing? How do we understand them, if we have no direct connection to who they are or what they think? We may be lucky enough to know someone personally who has lived there, but most of the time this is unlikely.

I finished reading thinking

The promise of an abstract “freedom”
is weak
against a real imminent threat
of death or violence.

There are many artists in history who have continued to create in the face of censorship and threats to their lives. My life has been very priviledged compared to theirs. I am inspired by their persistence and bravery.

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posted by Trout Monfalco